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[GH] [F1131184] 加纳求购电磁开关(Cylinder proximity switch reed switch magnetic) (05-27)
  My friend Please I need a quote and samples for “cylinder proximity switch reed switch magnetic and send me details via mail
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[FR] [F881793] 法国求购电磁开关(electromagnetic switch) (04-16)
  Hello, Have you a reseller in France to buy a electromagnetic switch model KJD6? Thank you for your help.
[CO] [F848633] 哥伦比亚求购电磁开关(Magnetic Switch) (05-28)
  Dear Sirs. We are searching an specific magnetic switch, and probably you can help us. Could you send me your Email to send you the magnetic switch data sheet ? The quantity required is 500 ud.
[NP] [F483404] 尼泊尔求购电磁开关(ignition switch) (03-13)
  I'm interested in your ignition switch Quantity Need: 4000 Piece/Pieces I Would Like to Know The MOQ and FOB to our country.
[BB] [F465682] 巴巴多斯求购电磁开关(Solenoid switch) (10-28)
  Hi, I would like to know the price for Solenoid switch for Denso series. I am interested in buying 50 Acre/Acres. Please provide us with a quotation.
[US] [F465666] 美国求购电磁开关(Solenoid Switch​) (10-28)
  We are interested in Solenoid Switch​ sealed IP67 rating SPST-NO contacts, continuous duty.​ Competitor AMETEK​ SBJ-4351 and SBJ-5811
[MY] [F452981] 马来西亚求购电磁开关(solenoid switch) (08-20)
  Hi,we are from Malaysia of Chin Brothers Company.We are interested in your product.Can you give us your contact information such as QQ or Skype?In that way we can easy to chat.We hope that you will le...
[SD] [F448793] 苏丹求购电磁开关(solenoid switch) (08-04)
  i am looking for mitsubishi solenoid​ & nut set Part : 30A87 - 10043 the mistsubishi engine is S4L2-61D model . please send me your unit price if you have it .
[US] [F446195] 美国求购电磁开关(solenoid switch) (07-15)
  There​ is​ only​ one​ switch​ we​ need,​ showing​ 2​ in​ our​ scan. The​ switch​ has​ 2​ electrodes,​ a...
[US] [F445389] 美国求购电磁开关(solenoids switches) (07-10)
  I am looking​ for​ 3​ position​ panel​ mounted​ 12​ volt​ solenoid​ switch? it​ need​ to​ handle​ 3​ amps​...
[IR] [F444783] 伊朗求购电磁开关(Solenoid Switch) (07-08)
  We​ are​ a​ company​ need​ SOLENOID​ SWITCH​ as​ below​ list. 1-Peugeot​ 405​ ​ ​ 3000pcs 2-kia​ pride​ &#...
[HK] [F444136] 香港求购电磁开关(solenoid​ switches​) (07-04)
  We​ are​ interested​ to​ buy​ solenoid​ switches​ for​ India​ .​ If​ you​ have​ already​ supplied​ to​ I...
[AU] [F442047] 澳大利亚求购电磁开关(solenoid switch) (06-25)
  I have​ a​ Isuzu​ diesel​ motor​ model​ 4BD1​ to​ which​ I​ am​ trying​ to​ source​ a​ solenoid​ forR...

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