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[RO] [F438273] 罗马尼亚求购发光毛毛球(light up puffer ball) (06-10)
  Hello Please note that we are interested about your offer regarding Following/ *** item LIGHT UP PUFFER BALL ( see *** picture) Qty: 6.000 / 10.000 pieces Size: please mention LOGO: 1 colou...
[UK] [F437075] 英国求购发光毛毛球(flashing puffer hedgehog ball​) (06-03)
  Quantity Needed: 1000 Piece/Pieces flashing puffer hedgehog ball​ please send me a quote
[BD] [F435263] 孟加拉国求购发光毛毛球(flashing fuffer ball) (05-26)
  Please send me your best price for flashing fuffer ball Regards,
[MT] [F434841] 马其他求购发光毛毛球(Flash puffer ball) (05-23)
  i am interested in the following item, how much will it cost me for roughly 350 of each and when regarding logo printing can you please send me how with looks with the logo on it
[AU] [F434836] 澳大利亚求购发光毛毛球(flashing puffer ball) (05-23)
  Please provide a price for 1000 flashing puffer balls with our logo printed on them Thank you
[SA] [F434816] 沙特阿拉伯求购发光毛毛球(flashing pufferball) (05-23)
  Would you please send me the C&F cairo Airport (air frieght) for each FLASHING PUFFER BALL, and your minimum quantity.. and kindly advice if there many shapes of this item.
[US] [F433672] 美国求购发光毛毛球(flashing puffer ball) (05-19)
  need 200 YELLOW flashing puffer balls.​ Are you able to supply YELLOW only and when can they be shipped? Thank you.
[IL] [F431483] 以色列求购发光毛毛球(puffer ball and with the light) (05-07)
  hi, i want to buy the puffer ball with the smile face on the puffer ball and with the light in size 5 inch & 6 inch & 9 inch. pls send to me prices for the ball in sizes : 5 inch quantity order 10...
[EC] [F430901] 厄瓜多尔求购毛毛球,发光毛毛球(puffer ball,flashing puffer ball) (05-04)
  What is the MOQ on your puffer ball,flashing puffer ball,puffer ball to
[IL] [F430344] 以色列求购9寸发光毛毛球(9inch​ flashing​ hariy​ puffer​ ball) (04-29)
  Please​ send​ me​ your​ best​ price​ for​ 9inch​ flashing​ hariy​ puffer​ ballRegards,
[TW] [F424583] 中国台湾求购发光毛毛球(light up puffer ball) (03-25)
  please quote on​ the​ following​ item:​ ​ item:​ lighted​ puffer​ balls​ -​ open​ ***​ file​ to​ see​ pict...
[FR] [F423823] 法国求购双色发光毛毛球(Two Tone Flashing Puffer ball) (03-21)
  Two Tone Flashing Puffer ball
[BR] [F423222] 巴西求购发光毛毛球(flashing puffer ball) (03-18)
  What is the delivery time on flashing puffer ball/puffer ball good day would​ like​ to​ know​ about​ import​ wholesaler​ to​ Brazil​ freight̴...
[US] [F421525] 美国求购发光毛毛球(flash puffer ball) (03-10)
  I would like​ to​ get​ some​ samples​ of​ this​ product.​ I​ am​ Kimberly​ Campbell​ with​ LITEWAVES​ TM.​ We&...
[FR] [F421269] 法国求购发光毛毛球(flash puffer ball) (03-07)
  Hello, I am​ interested​ in​ your​ products​ you​ can​ send​ me​ your​ rates Thank​ you
[US] [F421225] 美国求购发光毛毛球(flashing​ fluffy​ ball) (03-07)
  We are intersted​ in​ another​ manufacturer​ of​ the​ flashing​ fluffy​ ball.
[FR] [F419462] 法国求购发光毛毛球(flashing puffer ball) (02-28)
  flashing puffer ball

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