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[RO] [F1049692] 罗马尼亚求购万向轮(Universal wheel) (09-05)
  Basic parameters Material artificial glue, size 4 inch, specifications 3-5 inches, thickness 32mm. Can you provide this product?
[DK] [F1049233] 丹麦求购万向轮(Universal wheel) (09-03)
  Wheel thickness 1 (mm) Material polyurethane (PU) What's the diameter?
[CA] [F816674] 加拿大求购万向轮(muti-fuction direction wheels) (11-03)
  We are seeking a supplier who can be our partner in the various muti-fuction direction wheels,Briefly, we need quality levels to be made using our brand name.This is our goal for this pro...
[BF] [F814408] 布基纳法索求购万向轮(2 ton muti-function wheel) (09-04)
  Dear , We need 2 ton muti-function wheel,we hope you can supply for us,we will cooperate with you in the future Thanks
[BD] [F812662] 孟加拉国求购5英寸铁万向轮(5“ cast iron wheels) (07-25)
  Dear sirs, How are you now We are in need cast iron wheels now We want to order 5" size need 1500 pcs,we hope you can supply for us Thanks
[AE] [F807606] 阿联酋求购万向轮(muti-direction wheel) (04-27)
  Dear sirs, We need muti-direction wheel,we need 6,8,10,12 size, W need quantity now,we hope you can send me the good price Thanks
[GH] [F800602] 加纳求购万向轮(muti derection wheel) (02-28)
  Dear sirs, We required muti direction wheel ,the size as follow: 3" 2000pcs 5"1000pcs 6"1000pcs 8"500pcs We hope you can produce and give me your competitive price . Regards
[TH] [F549721] 泰国求购8英寸减震聚氨酯万向轮(8 Inch Shock Absorbing PU Caster Wheel) (09-23)
  ask for a quotation as list 1, 8" PU Shock Absorbing Casters Fixed 1 pc 2, 8" PU Shock Absorbing Casters Swivel 1 pc Best Regards. NICHA

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