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[AU] [F1122127] 澳大利亚求购网球发球机(Lobs-ter Sports Liberty Tennis Ball Machine) (03-09)
  Hi there, I have an interested buyer who would like to order 4,000 units.But firstly he would like to see a sample. Can you please send a sample with an Australian power adapter?We are Australia's lea...
[US] [F873399] 美国求购网球发球机(Tennis Ball Machine) (12-20)
  How much is the shipping for this product to California? Is there anyway to icrease the speed of the balls Bill Morrison . What is the total cost in dollars
[AU] [F872372] 澳大利亚求购精英网球发球机(Lobster Elite Two Tennis Ball Machine) (12-11)
  Andi, Just wanted to check that you can deliver 1 of these machines to Australia? If so, can you advise the total cost including delivery? Thanks, Peter
[IN] [F661243] 印度求购网球发球机(Buy Tennis Ball Dispensing Machine) (05-23)
  We are a trade facilitator offering a host of professional services to Indian and foreign companies. We have an urgent requirement tennis ball dispensing machine Should you be able to supply t...
[ZA] [F557681] 南非求购网球发球机(tennis ball machine) (12-06)
  Hi, I'm interested in your product Micro-computer Smart tennis ball machine with free remote control SS-F8, I would like some more details. I look forward for your reply. Can u mail me a pricelist ...
[US] [F288314] 美国求购网球发球机(SAM Robot Tennis Ball Machine) (12-09)
  Hello, my name is Brad Long - I am the Sales Director for the SAM products in the United States. We recently purchased Master Sports company in Indiana and I am very interested in speaking with you ab...

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