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[IL] [F919328] 以色列求购消防产品(Fire Control Products) (07-18)
  We are "Giant Safety LTD" Well know emergency and safety company established 25 years ago from Israel. We import and export from and to all around the world. In just this passing year we imported over...
[PL] [F433028] 波兰求购消防产品(Offer for Fire Family) (05-14)
  Dear Mrs. We are big manufacturer of firelighter in Poland, in our offer we have chimney sweep accessory and we are looking for directly from producer. In last time we bay from your company but not...
[SG] [F368764] 新加坡求购消防产品(fire equipments) (05-30)
  I'm looking at the following materials. U can email me or call me for more information. Pls look below fire equipments. Let me know if you can supply them and the if they are NFPA 1971. Fireman Suit-...
[CL] [F364130] 智利求购消防产品(fire products) (04-24)
  Hi Do you have NFPA FIRE PRODUCTS?? Can you send your brochure to us?
[EC] [F363956] 厄瓜多尔求购消防产品(fire products) (04-23)
  we are interested in buyer-importer of your famous products,specialtly fire fighting helmet and all safety fire products,please send med me your com plete catalague of all your products with your best...
[US] [F363541] 美国求购消防产品(fire products) (04-18)
  We are interested in your fire products.Can you send us your quotation and some catalogue. ​ Get back soon
[BW] [F358437] 博茨瓦纳求购消防产品(fire fighter products) (03-08)
  Good Day Please assist me to get to the prices of fire fighter products. Regard
[CL] [F357210] 智利求购消防产品(fire products) (02-28)
  Hi, I am Sebastian​ Gonzalez​ FireFighter​ from​ Chile​ and​ I​ am​ interst​ in​ your​ product,​ but​ I​ need​...
[PH] [F354419] 菲律宾求购消防产品(fire products) (01-31)
  Our conpany is​ engage​ in​ supply​ of​ various​ fire​ trucks​ in​ the​ Philippines We​ would​ like​ to​ request...
[CL] [F354207] 智利求购消防产品(fire equipments) (01-30)
  hello, we would​ like​ to​ receive​ more​ information​ about​ your​ firefighting​ products. regards Alejandro
[PK] [F353848] 巴基斯坦求购消防产品(fire products) (01-30)
  FOR THE KIND​ ATTN.​ OF​ SALES/​ EXPORTS​ MANAGER ​ Dear​ Sirs, ​ We​ are​ trading​ company,​ dealing​ in​ var...
[TR] [F353141] 土耳其求购消防产品(fire fighting products) (01-24)
  Please​ send​ detailed​ information​ about​ the​ firefighting​ and​ protective​ products​ of​ your​ company,​ includine...
[CL] [F351389] 智利求购消防产品(fire products) (01-18)
  Dear We want to sell your fire equipments in Chile. Please​ send​ catalogue​ and​ prices​ for​ distribuitor​.
[IR] [F351387] 伊朗求购消防产品(fire products) (01-18)
  Dear Supplier, ​ ​ Have​ a​ nice​ day! ​ ​ Kindly​ let​ us​ introduce​ our​ company​ as​ one​ of​ the&...
[MX] [F350971] 墨西哥求购消防产品(fire fighter equipments) (01-16)
[IR] [F345211] 伊朗求购消防产品(fire products) (12-28)
  Dear sirs we​ are​ a​ leading​ company​ in​ fire​ protection​ and​ detection​ sales​ and​ services​ for​ 22​ ...
[SA] [F343847] 沙特阿拉伯求购消防产品(fire fighter products) (12-26)
  Please quote the​ following 1-​ 350​ ea.​ firefighting​ suit 2-​ 350​ ea.​ firefighting​ helmet 3-​ 350​ ea.​ firefighting...
[MA] [F343260] 摩洛哥求购消防产品(fire item) (12-25)
  Please provide me​ with​ ​ your​ price​ for​ all​ available​ fire​ fighting​ items
[IR] [F341714] 伊朗求购消防产品(fire products) (12-20)
  would​ appreciate​ your​ price​ list​ for​ different​ items​ of​ your​ firefighting​ products,​ including:​ boots,garments...

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