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[US] [F341711] 美国求购消防产品(fire products) (12-20)
  send me more​ information.​ ​ I​ am​ an​ fire equipment​ dealer
[PK] [F341638] 巴基斯坦求购消防产品(fire products) (12-20)
  we have the​ company​ named​ spider​ tech​ based​ in​ pakistan.​ its​ a​ indenting​ and​ consulting​ company.​ now&#...
[IR] [F341636] 伊朗求购消防产品(fire products) (12-20)
  Dear Sir/Madam; We​ have​ visited​ your​ web​ site​ and​ we​ are​ interested​ in​ some​ of​ your​ products.​...
[DE] [F340297] 德国求购消防产品(fire products) (12-17)
  Hello, we are​ interested​ in​ your​ firefighter​ products,​ we​ are​ a​ german​ firefighter​ boots​ manufacturer. Maybe&#...
[TR] [F340294] 土耳其求购消防产品(fire products) (12-17)
  Dear Sir or​ Madam​ ​ ; Could​ you​ inform​ us​ about​ fire​ fighter​ boots​ and​ clothes​ ? Please​ send​...
[IL] [F339776] 以色列求购消防产品(fire products) (12-17)
  We are Security-Eye​ LTD.​ and​ we​ are​ interesting​ at​ your​ FireFighter​ products.​ We​ want​ more​ information​...
[KZ] [F339768] 哈萨克斯坦求购消防产品(fire products) (12-17)
  Hello, I want​ to​ buy​ fire​ helmet,​ clothe,​ boots,​ gloves,​ belts​ and​ hummers.​ Send​ me​ your​ quotes​...
[SA] [F339765] 阿拉伯求购消防产品(fire equipments) (12-17)
  Dear suppliers we​ need​ a​ deferent​ kind​ of​ fire​ fight​ equipments​ . So​ please​ kindly​ send​ us​ your​...
[PE] [F339314] 秘鲁求购消防产品(fire products) (12-13)
  Estimated gentlemen: We​ are​ a​ company​ located​ in​ Lima​ -​ Peru,​ dedicated​ to​ the​ marketing​ equipment(team)&#...
[MU] [F336680] 毛里求斯求购消防产品(fire products) (12-06)
  Please​ quote​ me​ your​ best​ FOB​ or​ CIF​ Port​ Louis​ Mauritius.​ 1.​ ​ Fire​ Jackets 2.​ Fire​...
[VE] [F336053] 委内瑞拉求购消防产品(fire fighter products) (12-05)
  Dear​ Sir We​ are​ interested​ in​ your​ product​ of​ fire​ fighters​ a​ quantity​ reuired​ for​ you​ to̴...
[ES] [F335314] 西班牙求购消防产品(fire fighter products) (12-03)
  Dear​ Sir, We​ are​ a​ trading​ company​ from​ Spain​ and​ we​ are​ interested​ in​ distributing​ you​ prod...
[US] [F274795] 美国求购消防产品(fire protection product) (10-31)
  i am looking for fire protection product for my compnay please help me with you quotetion,will contact you after seeing your quality of your product and the rates of it,
[NZ] [F120461] 新西兰求购消防产品(fire safety / security products) (12-06)
  fire safety / security products

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