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[PK] [F995372] 巴基斯坦求购压克力(clear acrylic material cube candy box perspex candy box 5x5x5cm) (06-01)
  I would like to purchase this item.Please contact me. what is your price for 200 quantity? shipping cost? Thanks.
[PL] [F825604] 波兰求购压克力/塑料瓶(Acrylic/Plastic Jar) (12-19)
  Dear Sirs, I would like to buy cosmetic jars. Can you send me a catalog of your products and a price-list to my email? Your promt reply will be appreciated. Yours faithfully,
[PK] [F704715] 巴基斯坦求购反光镜,聚碳酸酯,压克力(globe security mirrors and mirrors and signs of acryl and polyca) (08-07)
  Company is interested in globe security mirrors and mirrors and signs of acryl and polycarbonate. And should be obliged if you would give us a quotation on FOB or CIF.basic in time.
[BH] [F693631] 巴林求购压克力(Dust suppresant Revacryl 248 in 208 kgs drum) (04-16)
  we want to buy the Dust suppresant Revacryl 248 in 208 kgs drum,pls contact us for your more details .thanks.

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