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[KE] [F910155] 肯尼亚求购沼气发电机(BIOGAS GENERATORS) (03-24)
  Dear Sir/Madam, I am looking for 2 Biorgas generators as per the specification below: BIOGAS Generator 1: 69kVA, 100% Biogas generator with co-generation units of the following specification...
[NG] [F884449] 尼日利亚求购沼气发电机(biogas generator) (05-14)
  Kindly send quotation for the following product Price and specification needed as we are urgently interested in purchase.
[PH] [F823909] 菲律宾求购沼气发电机(Biogas Generator) (12-09)
  Dear Sir, Please submit your best price and earliest delivery for: 1) 10units Generator Biogas 100kl/watts 2) 12units Generator Biogas 125kl/watts Hope to receive your offer asap. regards, Anna Cornej...

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