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[OM] [F556675] 阿曼求购铸铁井盖(cast iron manhole cover) (11-24)
  Dear sirs, i am from muscat Oman, we need the square and round D400 manhole cover with the frame, any can deamnd: 1.Surface box: 150x150mm D400 2.Clear open gully grate D400 give me your best pr...
[BE] [F532086] 比利时求购铸铁井盖(Cast iron covers) (04-12)
  we are importers from Belgium, we are now looking for cast iron covers for the government, pls show us .
[MY] [F262278] 马来西亚求购铸铁井盖(cast iron manhole) (09-30)
  Can you supply cast iron counter weight? Please reply to **** if you could.

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