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Fire fighting pumps buyer & importer

[US] [F914539] 美国求购消防泵(fire fighting pumps) (05-08)
  Dear Sir, We are an engineering & trading co. located in California dealing with customers in Process, Oil & Gas, Power & General Industries. We will appreciate your early quote with best price & del...
[ET] [F765349] 埃塞俄比亚求购消防泵(Fire Fighting Pumps, Surface Pimp Submersible Pump, Lathes) (04-16)
  We are looking to import fire fighting pumps, surface pimp submersible pump, generators, work shop machineries milling machine lathe machine ,hand tools etc.
[DE] [F582782] 德国求购消防泵(fire fighting pumps) (08-02)
  Hi I'm Mr Dominic of Germany We want to purchase fire fighting pumps in good quality at your best prices. please give me a reply right away Thank you
[RO] [F544286] 罗马尼亚求购消防泵(fire fighting pumps i) (07-18)
  We want to purchase fire fighting pumps in good quality at your best prices
[PK] [F246629] 巴基斯坦求购灭火泵(Fire fighting pumps) (08-24)
  I need fire fighting pumps for my new vessel.My requirement is outlet dia of pump should b 50 mm..Pressure at out let should be 7 to 8 bars and discharge should be approx 250lit/min or 15m3/hr..waitin...

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