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fuel cells buyer & importer

[LB] [F852955] 黎巴嫩求购燃料电池(Fuel Cells) (06-26)
  I am looking to buy fuel cells that replace other power supplies like diesel generators and batteries. But i'm looking for the low range (up to 10KVA). I am mostly interested in the Hydrogen and Pr...
[PR] [F307132] 波多黎各求购燃料电池(Fuel cells) (04-13)
  HI I Mr. Kermit Marquez from MM Enterprises, United States is interested in your product(s) on Global Sources Online and would like you to reply to this inquiry. The buyer probably sent this i...
[ZA] [F280846] 南非求购燃料箱(fuel cells) (11-17)
  I am looking for fuel cells that work with Biogas 1000 watt 3000 watt and 5000 watt

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