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jacquard curtain buyer & importer

[RU] [F1101681] 俄罗斯求购涤纶织物提花窗帘板扣眼窗帘(polyester fabric Jacquard Curtain Panel Grommet Drapes) (09-23)
  INquiry about 100% polyester fabric Jacquard Curtain Panel Grommet Drapes Please send me detail product specification, thank you!ткан для штор нужен полный каталог тканы для штор и цени
[UG] [F557616] 乌干达求购提花窗帘(Jacquard curtain) (12-05)
  Hi, I'm interested in your new eyelet curtain, Jacquard curtain. What is the best price you can offer? I look forward to your reply. kindly provide catalog with different design/colours and of dif...
[RU] [F532813] 俄罗斯求购提花类窗帘(jacquard curtain) (04-18)
  Please, send me information about your product. Where I can see design of fabric ?

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