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Mop Buckets buyer & importer

[PG] [F747285] 巴布亚新几内亚求购桶/洗衣篮/拖把桶(Buckets, Laundry Baskets, Mop Buckets) (11-05)
  Required plasticware, buckets, laundry baskets, mop buckets, rubbish bins, bowls, tubs
[IN] [F160971] 印度求购脱把桶(Mop Buckets) (03-08)
  I want to order some Mop Buckets from you and i want to know whether you have it in stock.I want you to email me back with the total price as well as the type of credit card you accept for payment. Th...
[HK] [F158760] 香港求购液压箱和喷头(Hydraulic Box Dumpers and Mop Buckets) (03-04)
  I am contacting you in regards to purchase some (Hydraulic Box Dumpers) from your company.I will like you to kindly respond to me with the sizes and price of one Hydraulic Box Dumper including sales t...

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