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Scleroglucan buyer & importer

[UA] [F560970] 乌克兰求购硬葡聚糖(SCLEROGLUCAN) (01-04)
  Scleroglucan is needed for resercher in the field of road construction. Please send the price for 1 kg on my mail
[IN] [F560859] 印度求购硬葡聚糖(SCLEROGLUCAN) (01-03)
  Quantity: 1 kg Quality Standards: cosmetics Packing: 1 kg Place of Origin: Purity: Standard: :
[VN] [F379202] 越南求购硬葡聚糖(Scleroglucan) (08-06)
  Dear sir, Thank you for your kind reply. We’re in need of 20MT of Scleroglucan. Can you please give me the quote me the best CIF price of this product? Together with the packing and the origin o...
[TT] [F346430] 特立尼达和多巴哥求购硬葡聚糖(Scleroglucan) (01-05)
  Dear Sir, Can you please contact me as I would like a 20' container load of Sclerogulcan that will be used to viscosify completition Brines. can you respond to my e-mail and I can send you the data ...

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