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Theodolite buyer & importer

[IN] [F1007968] 印度求购TD3高质量激光电子经纬仪(TD3 high quality laser electronic theodolite) (10-12)
  Dear Sir or Madam, We are a company from India. We are interested TD3 high quality laser electronic theodolite. We kindly ask you to send us the informations about the product of the followings spe...
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[US] [F894011] 美国求购经纬仪(theodolite) (09-13)
  Hi, I\'d like to inquire about the availability and pricing for this product. We are looking for bulk pricing, for upto a 110 pieces. Thanks, Dhavan Kumar Superior, CO USA
[UG] [F709565] 乌干达求购经纬仪(Theodolite) (10-12)
  we are looking for an automatic levelling set for small building sites ranging from 0-1000m.if you can ,pls contact us for your more details ,tks.
[ZA] [F473908] 南非求购经纬仪(Theodolite) (12-11)
  Could you please let us know if you still have a case for a DT5 Theodolite as we have a broken one that needs to be replaced.

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