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[DE] [F686377] 德国求购USB记忆卡(USB Sticks) (12-25)
  we want to Buy USB Sticks 240.000 Pcs One of our client is interested in buying 240.000 USB Sticks. Protocol: USB 2.0 Capacity:512 MB,1 GB,2 GB,4 GB Only answer with picture and you...
[FR] [F429195] 法国求购高质量的usb记忆卡(high- quality usb memory card) (04-22)
  hello i am the teacher of high school of nerviens bavay in france( smartkonnect) we would go order of 50 custom usb keys pouvez_vous send us: _ an invoice- a model specimen from photos provided- the c...
[IR] [F418174] 伊朗求购USB记忆卡(USB) (02-22)
  I will import USB Flash Drive 8 GB into Iran if you can sell CIF Tehran just 3.5 USD with 2 years gurantee Pls quote me.
[ES] [F417799] 西班牙求购USB记忆卡(USB memory) (02-20)
  USB memory as the *** picture. price for 512Mb and 1 Gb only Minimum quantity and delivery time?

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