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Waste Paper Recycling Machine buyer & importer

[IN] [F174559] 印度求购废纸再生机械(waste paper recycling machine) (03-30)
  waste paper recycling machine Ideally we need a single company which can help us to set up fully automated waste paper recycling unit of 100-300 kg recycling capacity per 8 hour shift to produce A4 l...
[SA] [F151231] 沙特阿拉伯求购废纸回收机(waste paper recycling machine) (02-19)
  Dears, 1- The west paper which i have containing of cartoon boxes, magazines , news papers, books, notes, writing papers eggs tray. 2- I wanna produce cartoon boxes, writing papers, news papers,...
[IR] [F151112] 伊朗求购废纸回收机(Waste Paper Recycling Machine) (02-19)
  we are looking for The waste paper recycle machine input of cartoon boxes, magazines , news papers, books, notes, writing papers eggs tray.and we produce cartoon boxes, writing papers, news papers,...

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