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custom plush toy buyer & importer

[AU] [F1151860] 澳大利亚求购定制毛绒玩具钥匙链(CUSTOM PLUSH TOY KEYCHAINS for our Christmas drive) (01-06)
  Hello, We are from Australia. We would like to manufacture some CUSTOM PLUSH TOY KEYCHAINS for our Christmas drive. Can you please advise : - sample method and timing - min order - quote for 100...
[US] [F1022189] 美国求购毛绒玩具(custom plush toy) (03-13)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is Kristin Valkenhaus from US. I'm looking for "custom plush toy" with the following specifications: The plush toy is an 8 legged horse measuring approximately 11" tall x 13" l...
[AU] [F986019] 澳大利亚求购玩具(custom plush toy) (02-05)
  16cm,20cm,25cm,30cm Size and Plush Fabric Fabric Material custom plush toy Hello, I am interested in custom plush animals as seen in the ***.It is essentially a unicorn dressed as a ninja. Thanks,Ter...

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