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Fingerprint scanner buyer & importer

[BD] [F1057931] 孟加拉国求购移动指纹扫描仪(Status mobile fingerprint scanner) (10-24)
  Hi, I would like to know the price for Biometrics mobile Android terminal for national ID authentication with application of voting, finance, government, education etc. I am interested in buying 500...
[PK] [F982575] 巴基斯坦求购指纹机(fingerprint scanner) (01-09)
  Hi, I’m interested in your product digital persona uru4500 fingerprint scanner, I need price quotation for 200 pieces. I need to supply around 500 but it will be initial order so i need very good pri...
[US] [F205503] 美国求购扫描仪(Fingerprint scanner) (06-07)
  I have a security business that provides products such as Signature Pads, Fingerprint scanner, video monitor, CCTV cameras, DVR. I need various suppliers that accept OEM.

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