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Gabions buyer & importer

[PH] [F1005715] 菲律宾求购金属筐(gabions) (09-12)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is PaulOndoy from PH. I'm looking for products with the following specifications: I'm looking for direct supply of all sizes of Gabions. I'm looking for credible supplier with ...
[MY] [F280356] 马来西亚求购护栏和石笼网(Fence and Gabions) (11-15)
  Please send me​ the​ ​ price​ as​ below​ item:A:bared​ wire​ 12x12,14x14​ B:chain​ link​ fencing​ with​ pvc​ coated(...
[OM] [F279788] 阿曼求购石笼网(Gabions) (11-14)
  We​ are​ welling​ to​ participate​ in​ a​ tender​ for​ supplying​ the​ following​ quantities​ and​ specifications...
[MNE] [F279295] 黑山共和国求购石笼网(Gabions) (11-10)
  Please send​ me​ a​ bid​ for​ a​ wire​ 2.2​ and​ fi​ 1.3​ fi​ wire​ of​ steel​ C65​ using the​ ma...
[DE] [F277537] 德国求购石笼网(Gabions) (11-07)
  We need to​ buy​ hexagonal​ gabion​ box​ in​ quatity​ 800pcs.​ size:1m*1m*3m,​ mesh​ size:80*100mm,​ wire​ diameter​ 2.0mm...
[SN] [F277532] 塞内加尔求购石笼网(Gabions) (11-07)
  Dear​ sir​ Send​ me​ please​ your​ best​ CIF​ Nouakchott​ Mauritania​ offer​ including​ 10%​ commission​ forR...
[RU] [F277528] 俄罗斯求购石笼网(Gabions) (11-07)
  Dear Sirs Please​ send​ us​ your​ export​ quotes​ on​ gabions. Regards Yuri​ Osadchuk
[ID] [F104647] 印度尼西亚求购石笼网(Gabions) (02-02)
  Dear Sirs, Our company PT. Sekar Wijaya is an Indonesian Company base in Surabaya East Jawa. We are Consultant.Contractor and General Supplier. We need huge amount of Gabions for our o...
[LK] [F60317] 斯里兰卡求购丝网笼子(Gabions) (04-12)
  One of our major clients needs to purchase 1,000 Nos. PVC Coated Gabion Boxes (3m x 1m x 1m) for their ongoing project. we kindly request you to send your best FOB & CIF prices for the Gabion Boxe...

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