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metal barrel buyer & importer

[HK] [F1045058] 香港求购金属桶(Metal barrel) (08-12)
  Dear Sir We have a request for seventy million metal barrel per month of capacity 210 liters.
[RU] [F1035692] 俄罗斯求购金属桶(metal barrel) (06-13)
  Good day. Interested in a metal barrel 216 liters, tapered with a lid and clamp, quantity and price
[PH] [F183244] 菲律宾求购铁桶(metal barrel) (04-19)
  introducing yourself as a supplier of metwl barrele or metal pail we need 25 liter capacity metal pail as we receive so many inquries every day and we do not know from whom it is from - can you please...

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