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polymer insulators buyer & importer

[CO] [F1117232] 哥伦比亚求购绝缘子(Polymer insulators) (02-02)
  Por favor cotizar el siguiente material: 6 Aislador tipo poste 115 kv, altura= 1372 mm, distancia de fuga = 3300 mm, tensión máxima = 145 kv, tensión de carga: 133 Kn 24 Aislador polimerico tipo...
[IN] [F1012969] 印度求购132kv聚合物绝缘子(132kv polymer insulators) (12-18)
  Dear Sir/Madam, I'm looking for products with the following specifications: 132Kv Horizontal Line Post Polymeric Insulators as per *** specifications. Need that urgently. Please reply at Thanks...

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