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[IT] [F706157] 意大利求购PVC球(We Need To Buy PVC Balls) (08-27)
  we need to introduce in our container that will ship at the end of septmber from Dalian area to italy pvc float simlar at my pic, weight 120\140\160\180\200\220250\280g dia inflated about 20/22cm
[TH] [F593038] 泰国求购定制pvc球(Customised pvc ball) (11-14)
  Dear, I am looking for a customized plastic ball with full print. Total of 5000-10,000 pcs in red. Spec. 6” and 9” Full Screen print and there will be total 16 designs 500-600 each on Red plasti...
[EG] [F534220] 埃及求购pvc球(pvc ball) (04-28)
  Dear Sirs, Hopefully you are fine . Could you please send me offer fro the footballs . Best Regards
[MX] [F485132] 墨西哥求购PVC球(PVC ball) (04-07)
  This is diana from mxone trading. Our company have you been in the import and export market in mexico. I'm looking for pvc toy balls supplier( pvc) in different designs and colors and 7” 8” and plea...
[UK] [F485094] 英国求购PVC球(PVC BALL) (04-07)
  Good morning, We have constructed an indoor Futsal facility at our football club, we are looking to purchase 12 Bubble Balls to use in the new facility & set up a trading relationship with you to bec...
[IN] [F482718] 印度求购pvc球(PVC ball) (03-05)
  PCV Balls Size-9'' and 10'' Thickness-0.15 to .20mm Style-3 Qty-2000k Packing Single Pcs in net and 1000 pcs in a box or whatever Price-FOB-Mumbai India Production Time
[IT] [F470175] 意大利求购PVC球(pvc ball) (11-20)
  Blank, they are interested in taking 30 of these spheres of gymnastics. I can have a estimate?
[AU] [F470167] 澳大利亚求购PVC球(PVC BALL) (11-20)
  i urgently need 150 balls, best price please, i am in melbourne australia
[AU] [F449089] 澳大利亚求购pvc球(PVCball) (08-05)
  Please privide quote for 3,000 units (see *** image) 1 colour (white) on one side and 2 colours (white and Green PMS 382) on the other. I would like the print to be a big as possible please. Th...
[VE] [F428063] 委内瑞拉求购PVC球(PVCball) (04-14)
  PVC Decal Balls​ 8,5​ -​ 9"​ assorted​ colors​ and​ designs,​ scented​ or​ not
[IT] [F426643] 意大利求购PVC球(PVC BALL) (04-05)
  we ar looking​ for​ -​ 360.000​ /​ 540.000​ /​ 720.000​ pcs​ -​ ​ pls​ send​ e​ maiil​ so​ I​ can&...
[PT] [F421809] 葡萄牙求购PVC球(PVC ball) (03-11)
  I​ need​ more​ of​ your​ proposal​ to:​ 30,000​ /​ 50,000​ /​ 100,000​ Balls​ in​ PVC​ with​ 50̴...
[PK] [F418401] 巴基斯坦求购pvc球(PVC massageball) (02-24)
  ATIC​ SA​ is​ specialized​ in​ the​ distribution​ of​ branded​ merchanidse​ worldwide. As​ a​ first​ trial​ order...
[HK] [F336335] 香港求购PVC球(PVC balls) (12-05)
  we need to order 10.000pcs pvc ball in : 1. product 1: 26kgs/pc each pc come with 10cm diameter one carton come with 1000pcs in 5colore:pink .green ,red , this order was very sure ...

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