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Ratchet Straps buyer & importer

[MX] [F818756] 墨西哥求购棘轮链(Ratchet Straps) (11-14)
  I try to see the cargo control that you sell throught your E-mail, but It was not possible, so let me Know if you still are in Laurence as Thomas Net says. Thanks in advance.
[UK] [F522986] 英国求购棘齿带(ratchet straps) (01-25)
  Starting out new business going to be distributed all around Ireland let's hope we can have a deal together. Il be interested in different products please
[MU] [F358350] 毛里求斯求购棘轮链(Ratchet Straps) (03-07)
  Ratchet Straps Quantity Required: 1000 Pieces Polyester Ratchet Straps Size 25mm, 50mm and 100mm Which has maximum B/S 10,000kgs and used by lorries carrying heavy loads.

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