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ring binder buyer & importer

[AZ] [F1223850] 阿塞拜疆求购环形活页夹(Ring Binder) (03-14)
  We want to order 100.000 qty Ring Binder
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[IL] [F831946] 以色列求购环粘合剂(ring binder) (02-10)
  we are a company in israel.We made lever arch files and ring binder. We would like to receive an offer for 40 feet container of Grey bord size 64X34 cm 1.75 mm.
[HK] [F496379] 香港求购文件夹(ring binder) (07-07)
  Dear Sir, I’m interested in your product: A5 3 ring binder, but only require for about 30 numbers. Would you consider to ship this quantity to Hong Kong? What would be the cost including deliver...
[HK] [F179748] 香港求购活页夹(Ring binder) (04-12)
  D-ring (PD 123-2-25/20)- shiny finished- Qty: 40000pcs
[UK] [F177709] 英国求购文件夹(ring binder) (04-08)
  we are a print management company in the UK, I have *** a spec for some ring binders we are looking to source. primarily we are after either board or paper over board thanks james ...

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