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vitamines buyer & importer

[EG] [F323940] 埃及求购维生素(vitamines) (10-10)
  We kindly need your best offer for the following vitamines, suitable for Food or Medicine products, details as follows: 1- VB1 Grade : Food or Medicine grade Quantity: 450 Kg. Price: CIF Alexandria Pa...
[BD] [F76697] 孟加拉国求购维他命(vitamines) (12-21)
  Vitamin A 100 000 IU Vitamin D3 10 000 IU Vitamin E 40 mg Quantity each iatem: 2MT Give Price : CNF Chittagong by sea.
[HU] [F76665] 匈牙利求购维他命(vitamines) (12-21)
  I look for the flowing products in bulk form: Vitamin-C 1000mg and 500mg with rosehips tablets Vitamin B-complex 50 and 100mg tablets Vitamin A&D (I prefer the fish oil form) Vitamin E-400...
[LT] [F75537] 立陶宛求购维生素(vitamines) (12-13)
  We are interested to buy one trial 20 fcl of feed vitamins. We need 8 tones of E50, 1 tone of A1000 and 11 tones of B4 cholin chloride 60 pct, corn cob. Deliveries are in monthlu basis. later we wil...

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