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[DE] [F1067227] 德国求购枸杞汁(Pure Wolfberry Juice) (12-19)
  Hello, I am interested in Your Product Organic wolfberry Pure Juice/Goji Juice NFC,. We need ca 3000kg in barrel (200 kg) I am looking forward to Your Reply. With succulent regards from the Moster...
[MY] [F469775] 马来西亚求购枸杞汁(Goji Juice) (11-19)
  Dear Sir, We are interested on your goji berry juice , but we need to add some other ingredient into it as our finish products. Kindly give us your contact no - wechat / skype / qq . Thanks
[CH] [F363460] 瑞士求购枸杞汁(goji juice) (04-17)
  Hello Mr. I want to order one Carton from the 100% Goji Juice. Do you have Bio and EU Certificate and is there a guarantie that all products are without pesticide? Do yu have paypal? best Regards ...
[MU] [F228706] 毛里求斯求购枸杞汁(goji juice) (07-15)
  we are looking for goji juices.can you provide your best quote for goji juice.

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