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connectors buyer & importer

[RU] [F117468] 俄罗斯求购连接器(connectors) (11-27)
  ML4500AWJH2P 100pcs ML4500AP2P 100pcs EHS104LD 100pcs EHS102LD 100pcs EHS108LD 100pcs EAH105EZ 100pcs
[IN] [F99860] 印度求购连接器(Connectors) (09-09)
  We are looking for all Telecom Cables, RF Cables, RF Connectors, Microwave Components and Antennas, Cable Tie Teflon and Fiber Glass Cables.
[KR] [F99859] 韩国求购连接器(Connectors) (09-09)
  We are looking for waterproof connector], 2P or 4P black or white both male and female 0.75mm~1.25mm plastic [MS type waterproof cable clamp. Send me the details as soon as possible.
[CN] [F89891] 中国求购电连接器(Connectors) (10-18)
  求购连接器: 1.产品需要符合美军标C-5015; 2.有方型和圆型两大类; 3.产品用在大型海运发动机上,要求耐油和防震;
[IL] [F83130] 以色列求购电缆/接头(Cable And Connectors) (05-03)
  We are looking for fine quality of cable and connectors, mainly for the computer and audio industry
[RU] [F60818] 俄罗斯求购音视频连接线(TV parts,connectors,plugs) (04-18)
  We are Russian company which are celling different TV parts, connectors , plugs etc
[CN] [F58346] 外贸公司求购連接管(connectors) (03-22)
  1. Parallel Tube Connectors 2. Giant Non-Luer Connectors 3.
[CA] [F53914] 加拿大求购连接器(Connectors) (12-12)
  We are a battery charger manufacturing company with head office in Toronto, Canada. Our office in Malaysia is the sourcing centre for materials. We are interested in the connectors similar to sb...

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