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hair steamer buyer & importer

[PK] [F961510] 巴基斯坦求购焗油机(Hair Steamer) (07-05)
  What is your best price for 2 in 1 Facial & Hair Steamer with O3?
[US] [F476304] 美国求购头发蒸汽(Hair steamer D-3328B) (12-26)
  Hello, this is Frei kimi. I want to buy: "Hair steamer D-3328B". Specifications: Hair steamer 1) Portable hair steamer. 2) With ozone funtion. 3) Professional manufctory & competitive price. pleas...
[US] [F231041] 美国求购美发产品(high pressure hair steamer) (07-19)
  I am looking for a high pressure hair steamer for HUMAN hair that is already on a weft. The look I need to create is curly hair that will last through washings, so the curls must last for a long time....

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