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[US] [F266461] 美国求购机器人(i robot) (10-13)
  I'm looking for i Robot. I would like to talk business with someone who is carrying it. Thank you
[RU] [F266459] 俄罗斯求购机器人(Used Robots KUKA) (10-13)
  We would like to buy used industrial robots KUKA or only mechanical sections (arms) or separately controllers (cabins); used light robots KUKA (30-90 kg); used heavy robots KUKA (200-500 kg); used rob...
[DK] [F266457] 丹麦求购机器人(Intelligent hardware and software Robots) (10-13)
  Im on the market for robots that is produced to make the daily duties like cleaning, moving the loon automatic. Every kind of robots is of interests.Please send a detailed description of the product a...
[LB] [F245647] 黎巴嫩求购机器人(Robot) (09-27)
  hi Im asking about this machine of cellulite removal and skin rejuvenation about its price and the efecance of it please provid me with it on my email.
[BR] [F245640] 巴西求购机器人(Robot) (08-22)
  Hello... Whats is the price of this AIBO? I'm in Brazil and i'd like to buy one... I wait your response.
[IN] [F231603] 印度求购机器人,自动化机械(Robot, Automation Machines) (07-20)
  We need Robots and Electronics. We need automation machines as our need. Embedded machines, microcontraollers and PIC microprocessors.

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