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[AU] [F892792] 澳大利亚求购台笔(Desk Pen) (09-02)
  Popular Metal Office Desk Pen TC3500 Quantity Required: 500 Unit/Units Detailed Description Hi there - could you quote for delivering 500 units of this pen to Melbourne, Australia please? Than...
[IE] [F451236] 爱尔兰求购台笔(table pen) (08-13)
  Can you brand this item for a customer of mine. Also he is looking for 250 pieces, is this possible ? Can you reply to this asap Regards Michael J Keane
[JM] [F236075] 牙买加求购台笔(desktop pen) (07-28)
  My company is interested in order 100 of these desktop pens for our offices can you send a cotation to me

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