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[FR] [F395968] 法国求购土工膜(HDPE geomembrane) (10-28)
  We are pleased to inform you, that we have a company of import & export in Algeria and we are interested by the importation of great quantities of geomenmbrane HDPE of good quality 2 x 40 HQ per month...
[IS] [F395960] 冰岛求购土工膜(pond line) (10-28)
  how much does 0,5 mm pond liner cost I need as wide as possible 8-12 meters would be best for making fishpound I need around 1000 sq meters do you know how much it cost to get it to europe
[KN] [F242796] 圣基茨和尼维斯求购土工膜(Geomembrane) (08-08)
  I urgently need to purchase 10 rolls of Geomembrane LLDPE for use in ponds. The required dimensions are 30X180 feet, 1.5mm thick. Please send a quote including shipping charges Shipping address. below...

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