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[RO] [F354707] 罗马尼亚求购聚合电解质(POLYELECTROLYTE) (02-01)
  Dear Sirs, For one of our customers, please send us your best price for POLYELECTROLYTE with requested (or similar) specifications: -contains: polydialildimetil amonium chlorate, dimethylamyn, e...
[ID] [F336695] 印尼求购聚合电解质(polyelectrolite) (12-06)
  I'm looking for polyelectrolite, could it form gelling after water addition ? Kindly waiting for your response. Thank you. rgds, sofia
[IR] [F328908] 伊朗求购聚合电解质(polyelectrolyte) (11-13)
  To whom it may concern Kindly inform you that I am an associated prof.,Tehran, Iran. Also, I have a private company and we are working in the field of wastewater treatment. I saw your products. They ...
[ES] [F253976] 西班牙求购聚合电解质(polyelectrolyte) (09-11)
  Dear Sir, We're looking foor supplier to purchase polyelectrolyte to be used in wastewater and mud treatment. Our annual volume is 1200t. Please let know if your company can provide us this product to...

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