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Extension springs buyer & importer

[CA] [F720174] 加拿大求购伸缩弹簧(Compression And Extension Springs) (01-25)
  Compression And Extension Springs We are a Canadian machine shop that receives orders for springs that are too large for us to make but that we would like to out-source to a Chinese spring maker. ...
[US] [F272012] 美国求购拉伸弹簧(extension springs) (10-25)
  I have searched the web and called a bunch of places and I cannot find a 4.25" extension spring for my patio swing. The springs have to be rated for several hundred pound loads. So the types they have...
[UZ] [F262883] 乌兹别克斯坦求购拉伸弹簧(Extension springs) (10-08)
  I would like to send you a spring and see if you have any in stock.

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