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plastic plug buyer & importer

[IN] [F791518] 印度求购带过滤器塑料插头(Plastic Plug With Filter) (11-23)
  "We need a plastic plug with a very small around 4mm filter in it. This plug is used as an insert in the Bottle which are used to package some chemical products. There are two types of such plugs....
[RU] [F403012] 俄罗斯求购塑胶插头(plastic plug) (12-07)
  Good day, gentlemen. We would like to order long plastic plugs. Please let me know the size, price , minimum order. Best regards, Dmitry
[DE] [F275081] 德国求购塑料插头(Plastic plug) (11-01)
  Enclosure with plug and receptacle Requirements: 1.000 pieces Due the relative small quantity only from running production with existing tools. Empty enclosure with built in plug and receptacle This k...
[US] [F264391] 美国求购塑料插头(plastic plug) (10-10)
  Looking for a 1/27 npt plastic plug without a seam.

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