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Foam Rubber buyer & importer

[TH] [F800710] 泰国求购橡胶泡沫(Foam Rubber) (02-28)
  Dear manufacture, Foam Rubber need now ,we need bulk and package neutral We hope you have this production ability,we will cooperate will be pleasent Thanks
[LB] [F675563] 黎巴嫩求购用于床垫和家具生产的海绵乳胶,多醚(foam rubber and polyether) (08-29)
  we want to Import foam rubber and polyether used in the production of mattresses and furnitures. we want to make a big business with good suppliers,pls mail us the good price.
[US] [F274442] 美国求购泡沫橡胶(foam rubber) (10-31)
  I have a need for a special foam rubber piece or it may be called sponge rubber. It is black approx 5.625" x 5.625" x .75" that has 30 circular holes approx 11/16" round. I will need either 4000 or 80...
[US] [F264929] 美国求购海绵乳胶(Foam Rubber) (10-11)
  I would like to purchase a quantity of 3" foam rubber, to recover my pontoon boat seats. The sizes, in inches, are as follows: 13"x29" 17"x29" 25"x25" 29"x16" 29"x16" 52"x19" 52"x16" 52"x19" 52"x16" 5...

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