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GRINDERS buyer & importer

[US] [F992968] 美国求购研磨器(multi-colored grinders) (05-09)
  Hello! My name is Miles, I am the owner of a company called Senor Puff. I would be interested in purchasing 1000 multi-colored grinders. How much would you charge per unit? My shipping address is 93 w...
[IT] [F937501] 意大利求购研磨机(grinders) (05-18)
  Do you have any coffee grinders that will do 700-800lbs/hr and if so what is the life expectancy of the machine (how many lbs until they need repair)? I also need a price quote. I hate to say it but w...
[AU] [F711692] 澳大利亚求购磨工器(Grinders) (11-14)
  Concrete grinders
[IN] [F686311] 印度求购电熨斗、搅拌机、打磨(Electric Irons, Blenders, Grinders, Electric Kettles Etc) (12-25)
  Wanted a whole range of electrical home appliances for the Indian Market. Manufacturers please contact with details of product range, price etc
[GR] [F666674] 希腊求购研磨机(GRINDERS) (06-30)
  Detailed Trade Lead Description GRINDERS
[US] [F272676] 美国求购磨床(Grinders/macerators) (10-26)
  Re: Grinders/macerators: Need equipment to reduce whole chickens/turkeys to 1/2 inch particles. Also, reduce various size fruits and vegetables to 1/2 inch particle sizes. Will place the material into...
[US] [F263640] 美国求购精密电动工具磨床(precision electric tool-post grinders) (10-09)
  We are looking to expand our markets outside the US. We offer a wide range of models from 1/3hp to 1hp. We have one unit in particular -our Model J-35-220volt that we are special pricing. The Model J-...
[US] [F263460] 美国求购磨床(Ban saws and grinders) (10-09)
  I am very intrested in getting back in to the machining industry again. I have CNC Milling exp, and wide range of other shop machinary from Punch Presses to Ban-saws and grinders. However I only have ...
[CM] [F164017] 喀麦隆求购电动搅拌机(electric blenders and grinders) (03-11)
  We want a large scale manufactuerer of electric grinders ,blenders etc for a consistence project supply
[GR] [F164012] 希腊求购螺纹磨床(Grinders ) (03-11)
  Surface grinder with table length 500 mm + and car valves grinder wanted for our interesetd client
[AU] [F75910] 澳大利亚求购水泥磨(Grinders) (12-15)
  We are looking for concrete grinders. Please contact us if you have.

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