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[ID] [F1010146] 印尼求购航空通风口(Easy Air passive trickle vent (single glazed) (11-13)
  采购数量: 50 Unit/Units| 发布地点:Indonesia Dear Mr/Mrs.... Our company need air trickle vent for our project Apartment, so we need price for propose that project. Thank you Best Regards
[SG] [F1006527] 新加坡求购铝屏蔽通风口(Aluminum shielding vents) (09-20)
  Dear Sir/Madam, I'm looking for products with the following specifications: 1) Material Aluminium 2) Cell Size 3.2mm 3) Thickness 12.7mm 3) Sheet Sizes (W&H) 400mm X 400mm 4) Property required ...
[US] [F274534] 美国求购饮水机设备和通风口(dispenser equipment and vents) (10-31)
  FOB Seattle Dock A 5000 Gallon DW tank with dipenser equipment and vents and fill , ready to go HILL

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