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Donuts machine buyer & importer

[QA] [F987626] 卡塔尔求购迷你甜甜圈机(Mini donuts machine) (03-02)
  I would like to buy mini donut machine, with the recipe of the donuts. Please send to me your offer with all details to my email including some photos and videos. Thank you.
[CM] [F862109] 喀麦隆求购甜甜圈机(donuts machine) (08-21)
  Dear Sir I would like to have an offer for your donuts machine as soon as possible. Have a nice day. Your prompt reply will be appreciated. Best regards
[CL] [F861941] 智利求购甜甜圈机(donuts machine) (08-17)
  Dear Sir: Pleace send one quote for oen donuts machine for 70mm diam ext capacity 500-600 Pcs hours Best Regard Patricio Cisternas I
[SE] [F277909] 瑞典求购油炸机(Donuts machine) (11-08)
  I have a really good idea that I would like to start producing in China, later selling the world, you know, or do you have access to any company that manufactures machines donuts? hear from you direct...

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