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excavator buyer & importer

[UK] [F882056] 英国求购挖掘机(excavator) (04-18)
  Hello, Do you still have this machine fo sale, if so can you email me some pictures and prices to send to Manchester UK. Thanks
[AU] [F879179] 澳大利亚求购挖掘机(EXCAVATOR) (03-18)
  Excavator whole machine 22 ton
[PK] [F822090] 巴基斯坦求购挖掘机(excavator) (12-02)
  Pls send more detailed pictures of Hitachi EX100 WD i also need detailed report of these machines explaining engine condition tyres hydraulics etc.
[AE] [F818921] 阿联酋求购挖掘机(Excavator) (11-15)
  We are interested to by EX-100WD Excavator. Please send ud its complete details and Quotation. Thanks.
[US] [F806776] 美国求购挖掘机(excavator) (04-19)
  Dear sirs, excavator we need 10 sets for frist order , We should know your priducts detail now,please send me and we hope you can answer me,we are waiting for your reply Best Regards
[AE] [F804185] 阿联酋求购开凿机(excavator) (03-26)
  we are looking used komatsu excavator pc220-7 year 2007,2006 we are looking used komatsu pc220-7 year 2007,2006
[MU] [F773609] 毛里求斯求购开凿机、割草机(Excavator, Lawnmover) (07-20)
  Looking for JCB type machine for heavy works for cleaning land excavating, moving rocks from steapy land breaking rocks moving soils from places to be carried to another places.
[BD] [F764312] 孟加拉求购挖掘机,叉车,混凝土切割机(Excavator, Forklift, Concrete Cutter) (04-13)
  Looking for excavator (heavy and light) forklift, wheel doser, mobile light unit, generator, concrete cutter, multi purpose power saw, etc. Please reply us ASAP if you can supply us. Salim Cell:...
[AU] [F739655] 澳大利亚求购开凿机(mini excavator) (08-12)
  mini excavator this does earth moving and has all of the attahements for liftinh, digging, hole drilling etc
[SE] [F738791] 瑞典求购打洞机(Excavator) (07-28)
  Excavator We will buy used mini excavator 3-6 ton in good condition. Hitachi, Kobolta, Volvo
[SA] [F725423] 沙特求购开凿机(Excavator) (04-05)
  Want Second Hand Komatsu Excavator Pc200 Please send a list of prices for EXCAVATOR KOMATSU pc200
[NL] [F686361] 荷兰求购挖掘机(excavator) (12-25)
  Dear sir we like to buy new excavator small 601 pro .if have any party plz connect with us and we like purchase Excavator Hitachi Ex 100 Daewoo Dh 05 and Hallaha 120.intrested party connect with us . ...
[VN] [F659634] 越南求购挖掘机(Excavator) (05-13)
  Detailed Trade Lead Description buy Excavator
[SE] [F654004] 瑞典求购建筑材料(Buy Excavator) (04-17)
  We are looking after mini excavators with cabin for import and selling to Sweden and norwegen. What we are looking for:1,2 - 4,5 ton weight. Please send us information, pictures and prices.
[VN] [F652237] 越南求购挖掘机(Used Sakai or Komatsu Excavator) (04-11)
  Would like to buy used sakai or komatsu excavator. Remains > 80% Please contact us as soon as possible.
[QA] [F649860] 卡塔尔求购挖掘机(excavators (Komatsu Caterpillar and Hyundai)) (03-29)
  Looking for Komatsu, Caterpillar and Hyundai excavators: -Komatsu 200, 210 or 220 1997-1999 27000-37000USD Caterpillar 320, 322 or 325 1997-1999 28000-38000USD Hyundai 210 or 290 1998-2000 25000-30000...

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