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Bevel gears buyer & importer

[PK] [F1077883] 巴基斯坦求购齿轮(17290CPF-C80 BEVEL GEARS TOD 200420) (04-07)
  Dear Sir/Madam UNISONS are pleased to request you to quote on the item mentioned Below: - Please always refer our inquiry number as mentioned in the subject. 1.BEVEL GEAR LARGE No. of teeth 18 Ty...
[NO] [F452149] 挪威求购锥齿轮(Bevel gears) (08-18)
  Straight bevel gear sets, 1.5:1 ratio, module 1.5.
[RU] [F287541] 俄罗斯联邦求购齿轮(bevel gears) (12-06)
  Hello Buy bevel gears, gear wheels. If you have the possibility of producing a conical couple, please send to our mail. Sincerely, Rudolph Ltd. Promdetal Russia, Izhevsk

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