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Agricultural Tyres buyer & importer

[IN] [F790738] 印度求购轮胎(Agricultural tyres ) (11-02)
  We need 6.00x16 tyres and 500x19 tyres.Along with tubes and Discs also. Re-Moulded tyres will for 600 x 16 will also do. We need about one 20ft container a month. Please Quote FOB rates and if possibl...
[UA] [F419937] 乌克兰求购农用轮胎(agricultural tyres) (03-03)
  Dear Mr., Please provide complete pricelist for agricultural tyres and complete technical data. We're interested to buy 2-3xHQs with mixed assortment. Please reply to my email. Best regards, Anton
[GR] [F294175] 希腊求购农机轮胎(Agricultural Tyres) (01-11)
  Agricultural Rear and infront tyre of tractors 400-8 and 400-10 and 500-10 are demanded. The pattern is not a problem. Prices FOB Quantity a fclx20ft.

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