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[IN] [F466666] 印度求购铁精矿(iron ore concentrate) (11-03)
  Hello sir, we need Mexican ore Concebtrates or Fines for 12 months Contract. Specification: =63.5% fe Rejection = 62%fe Deleviery: India port Rates= CIF indian Port Target price= 80$ USD per MT...
[KZ] [F458883] 哈萨克斯坦求购铁精矿(Request for quotation) (09-17)
  Dear Sirs, We are having a project on recycling Blast and Converter furnaces sludge of Iron and Steel production plant. Could you give me a quotation for manual or semiannual filter press (Hydraulic...
[DE] [F375708] 德国求购铁精矿(IRON CONCENTRATE) (07-20)
  IRON CONCENTRATE 65% Volume: 30,000-40,000 tons per month. For the price on CIF Payment: L / C
[PE] [F294208] 秘鲁求购铁精矿(Iron ore concentrate) (01-11)
  Iron ore concentrate any country a) 63% and b) 64.5% Quantity 20,000 to 100,000 monthly tons I Contract to three or five years Price CIF ASWP Buy for my or third parties (final buyers)

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