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Usb memory card buyer & importer

[MX] [F793333] 墨西哥求购SD存储卡(micro sd cards usb memory card RAM modules) (12-14)
  Hello PLEASE PUT ATENTION TO THIS INQUIRY READ ALL BEFORE SEND A MAIL OR MESSAGE For micro SD Cards : ONLY cards that can be formatted for the user and still working 100% full or tell how many mb y...
[TN] [F736076] 突尼斯求购内存卡(USB Memory Card) (06-26)
  Buy USB Memory Card Reader, Micro SD We need to buy Micro SD & usb memory card rader 3 in 1 & 5 in 1. Please send us your actual quotation with full epcifications and commercial policy ( payment ter...
[FR] [F429195] 法国求购高质量的usb记忆卡(high- quality usb memory card) (04-22)
  hello i am the teacher of high school of nerviens bavay in france( smartkonnect) we would go order of 50 custom usb keys pouvez_vous send us: _ an invoice- a model specimen from photos provided- the c...
[BY] [F303034] 白俄罗斯求购记忆卡(Usb 3G Hsdpa modem support voice memory card) (03-14)
  We are seek relaible partners for our project for 3-5years. Detail:need 100k-200k pcs/month, 2000k-3000k/year, may be more. Will be good quality-will be bettter for your.Payment only L/C, or cas...

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