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[AE] [F804185] 阿联酋求购开凿机(excavator) (03-26)
  we are looking used komatsu excavator pc220-7 year 2007,2006 we are looking used komatsu pc220-7 year 2007,2006
[MU] [F773609] 毛里求斯求购开凿机、割草机(Excavator, Lawnmover) (07-20)
  Looking for JCB type machine for heavy works for cleaning land excavating, moving rocks from steapy land breaking rocks moving soils from places to be carried to another places.
[AU] [F739655] 澳大利亚求购开凿机(mini excavator) (08-12)
  mini excavator this does earth moving and has all of the attahements for liftinh, digging, hole drilling etc
[TH] [F735104] 泰国求购开凿机(Track Group) (06-16)
  Track Group Inquiry Please offer us the price of your products; undercarriage of excavators as the following; - Track group(track links with shoes) of Komatsu: PC30, PC40, PC60 - Tra...
[SA] [F725423] 沙特求购开凿机(Excavator) (04-05)
  Want Second Hand Komatsu Excavator Pc200 Please send a list of prices for EXCAVATOR KOMATSU pc200
[PK] [F694716] 巴基斯坦求购开凿机(DAEWOO SOLAR 130W-III Excavators) (04-27)
  We are the importers of used construction machinery dealing golbally. Now a day we need DAEWOO SOLAR 130W-III Excavators. If any one have these types of excavators, Please don't hasitate to contact us...
[SG] [F578789] 新加坡求购开凿机(Mini excavator) (07-04)
  I'm looking for Mini excavator for digging for tree plantation in south India. 0.8 ton mini excavator preferred. Send the quotation with complete specification and product photos. include the shipp...
[NZ] [F85773] 新西兰求购开凿机(Rc Excavator) (06-23)
  hello I am wanting to buy a few Items for my model shop in New Zealand. I am not in the market for large quanities. Are you willing to sell me one or two units of one kind at a time. i await y...
[KR] [F74334] 南韩求购打洞机,开凿机(excavator) (12-01)
  we based in south korea and mean time er required regently whitachi excavator used but in good working condition excavator most required model ex40,ex100wd, ex200 any manufactory model is ok. but pric...

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