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solar bags buyer & importer

[IT] [F869227] 意大利求购包(solar bags) (11-13)
  solar bags(BJ-100001B) Dear Sir/Madam, We\'re interested in the product you\'re selling here.Kindly furnish us with a more detailed email message like FOB price and quantity.
[US] [F783393] 美国求购太阳能包(solar bags) (03-30)
  We are looking for solar bags and solar related products as well as other green environmentally product excluding chemicals.
[IT] [F318430] 意大利求购太阳能包(solar bags) (08-23)
  enquiry for cooperation Please respond to the buyer quickly as this will improve your chances of getting an order.
[ES] [F318427] 西班牙求购太阳能包(solar bags) (08-23)
  We are a Solar company in Spani and we would be interested in geting more information of your solar bags for distribution in the Spanish market. Please add us on your Skype to discuss the following ...

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