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[US] [F927576] 美国求购发光粉(luminescent powder) (12-03)
  Dear we are interested in your luminescent powder the mesh is 55-65 , color yellow green send price for us
[PR] [F822509] 波多黎各求购发光粉(photoluminescent powder) (12-05)
  please let me know your price(S) photolunminescent powder, what are your colors, minimum order? are they toxic?
[IT] [F446742] 意大利求购发光粉(luminescent powder) (07-21)
  Good morning Sirs, we wolud like to have your best offer to buy your luminescent powder , we need in two colour green and blue. We need a sample to prove it in our paints Best Regards
[TH] [F412521] 泰国求购发光颜料,发光粉,夜光漆(photoluminescent pigment,photoluminescent powder,glow in the dar) (01-18)
  photoluminescent pigment,photoluminescent powder,glow in the dark paint Mass order quantity: 1 Cubic Meter/Cubic Meters Hello, I need an example of the company's product offering by the hope that ...
[IN] [F323600] 印度求购发光粉(glowing powder) (10-08)
  glowing powder Quantity Required: 3 Bags I am wanting 3 pounds of the wJeni Carrier

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