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Acrylic Copolymer buyer & importer

[KR] [F801883] 韩国求购丙烯酸酯共聚物(acrylic copolymer) (03-08)
  please refer to the specification for acr which we’re looking for at this moment as below.actual chemical name acrylic copolymercas # 65436-49-9appearance white powder sieve residue % sieve (0.45mm) 1...
[BR] [F444593] 巴西求购丙烯酸聚合物(acrylic copolymer) (07-07)
  Metal crosslinkable acrylic copolymer for formulation of domestic bright waxes and finishes polish. Semi-high speed for institutional market.
[PK] [F437818] 巴基斯坦求购丙烯酸共聚物(Acrylic Copolymer) (06-06)
  Hello, We are looking for Acrylic Copolymer. It would be appreciated if you could offer sample.Thanks. Farooq.
[IN] [F329672] 印度求购丙烯酸共聚物(Acrylic Copolymer) (11-15)
  Our company Brush and Clean, manufacturer of cleaning chemicals, needs quotes on the Acrylic Copolymer. We would like to know how is it packed, and how many can we put in a pallet.

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