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[NZ] [F155258] 新西兰求购卫星天线(Ku band Satellite Broadband antenna and LNB) (02-28)
  Require two-way ku-band satellite antenna suitable for broadband service. 90cm - 100cm in size. also looking for two way lnb
[DE] [F151313] 德国求购卫星天线(satellite antenna) (02-19)
  I am looking for a cheap affordable sat antenna (200cm - 300cm or up to 400cm) to receive C-Band and ku-band with LNBs. If available i want to have multiLNBs to receive multiple satellites with the sa...
[CN] [F51345] 国外客商求购卫星接收机/卫星天线(satellite receiver/satellite dish) (11-11)
  Dear Madam / Sir I am looking for satellite receiver and dish supplier. Please let me know how to post on Thanks
[NG] [F37062] 尼日利亚求购卫星天线及其配件(Buy Satellite Antennas & Accessories) (05-12)
  1. 1.8M pole pan dish 2. 2.4M Aluminum pole dish 3. Satellite Positioner 4. Satellite Actuator 18' Ordinary Heavy duty 5. Satellite Actuator 24' ordinary Heavy duty. Also 36' 6. Digital ...

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