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Hydrochlorothiazide buyer & importer

[UK] [F754054] 英国求购药品(Zocor, Ibuprofen, Hydrochlorothiazide, Lisinopril, Zantac) (01-20)
  I am a UK resident and I work as an agent. I am looking for a company to provide/export pharmaceutical drugs to north of Iraq (middle east). For the first instance is sending: - certificate of p...
[IN] [F579033] 印度求购医药原材料(Hydrochlorothiazide) (07-05)
[IN] [F417936] 印度求购氢氯噻嗪(Hydrochlorothiazide) (02-21)
  Hydrochlorothiazide CAS: 58-93-5 Description:Please provide the MSDS of hydrochlorothiazide
[EG] [F343524] 埃及求购氢氯噻嗪(Hydrochlorothiazide) (12-25)
  Dear Sir; Hope you are fine. Could you please send me price quotation of 3 kg Hydrochlorothiazide with COA & GMP [CIF AIR CAIRO/ALEX]. Shall be waiting for your updates. Have a great day.

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